We offer a Premium Subscription service
(page link) which includes both a ‘Free’ version and a 14-day trial period. In addition, we publish various individual exercises on our social media feeds, where we are more than happy to offer advice on your fitness journey.
The best advice is to follow the signs your body gives you, as it is the best indicator of whether you are overdoing it and equally there is nothing wrong with having a rest! Bullworker® is about the optimal fit into your lifestyle, it about portability, it is about low impact, it is about body confidence, it is about fitness and wellness of boy and mind, so you are the best arbitrator of what feels best and what works for you.
Depending where you are on your fitness journey, you should strive to perform some form of exercise every day to boost energy levels and productivity, burn calories, and strengthen your body. The key to fitness is mixing up your workout routines and to give your muscles proper time for rest and recovery.
Your muscles are developed by breaking down your muscle tissue and giving your body the appropriate nutrition and time to heal. Your body rebuilds your muscles to handle more resistance by creating bigger stronger muscles. A general rule is to give your muscles 1-2 days of rest before strenuous exercise again.
So, one way to fit into your schedule is to break your routines up into muscle groups. For example, exercising legs on day 1, back and biceps on day 2, chest and triceps on day 3, core on day 4, and shoulders on day 5 allows for frequent exercise, but gives each muscle enough time to fully recover.
To start with we recommend following the 90-day fitness program in the accompanying Bullworker® Signature product, or available online. Explore the fitness exercises and understand how they work, and if you need assistance, reach out over social media and we are always happy to offer assistance and guidance.
Looking at the science, we recommend engaging your muscles with an isometric hold for 7-10 seconds at 60%-80% of your maximum effort. Follow your isometric hold with 10 slow and concentrated repetitions. The isometric hold will tear your muscle fibres and the reps will continue to work your muscles with further pump.
You can also hold the last rep or hold before and after reps. These are both great ideas.
Reps without isometric holds are beneficial by engaging different muscles and having a rhythm. Mix up your routines and concentrate on your muscles being exercised. Form is even more important than reps and hold time.
Using a Bullworker® Signature product alone, or in combination, is a powerful personal gym. Our routines offer excellent cardio exercise and burn those calories. But we are only part of the equation, and exercise is a core component of any weight-loss program, and ideally you will monitor your calorie intake, consider your nutrition and the benefits of exercising anytime, anywhere and how that can assist in our mental health and overall wellness; and as part of our Premium Subscription service, we offer tasty recipies to support your nutritional and calorific needs!
For stronger and more powerful muscles, use higher resistance and lower reps with 2-3 minutes rest between sets is recommended. (Example: 4 sets of 5 reps)
For toning muscles and building stamina, use lower resistance and higher reps with 1-2 minutes of rest between sets is recommended. (Example: 3 sets of 15 reps)
Muscle confusion: an important concept to achieve the most from your fitness plan by constantly mixing up your exercise routine. Your muscles, like many things, become accustomed to your routine. This can result in a plateau or a sudden decrease in your muscle gains. Constant changes or varied exercises challenge your muscles resulting in more muscular gains. Therefore, using one day/week/month to focus on lower reps with higher resistance and the other day/week/month to focus on higher reps with lower resistance helps you continue to see results.
We recommend starting with the lowest resistance spring then moving to the next level when you can easily install the higher resistance spring. This way you can continue to switch springs. We do not want you to change to a higher resistance spring and not be able to get it out.
We find that breathing is important at any time! Always remember to breathe when performing an isometric hold. Perform a consistent inhale and exhale, but never hold your breath. Remember that as we breath we inhale oxygen to oxygenate the body and exhale to expel waste gases, and this respiratory action aids our overall exercise and wellness.
Bullworker® products are an excellent device to include in any rehabilitation program, not only offering stretching, improves flexibility and bio-mechanical development, but also exercise releases endorphins which help with our general feeling of wellbeing.
However, if you are carrying an injury, we recommend that you consult your Doctor or Medical Consultant prior to commencing any exercise routine.
We strongly believe that the 90-day challenge is an excellent program for engaging with the Bullworker® and developing your fitness and wellness journey. So, we love to hear from people on their fitness journey, offer them advice and guidance as well as regularly developing new campaigns for social media focussing on generic and specific exercises and routines, as well as offering challenges to our followers! Additionally, we have our Premium Subscription service through which we offer further development……and don’t forget you can mix up your 90-day routine to include more reps or change the resistance up and redo the entire program with a different spring resistance.